Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Coupons, coupons and more coupons!

Today I started back on my "5 A Day" project.  No, it does not involve fruits and vegetables (though this is another 5 A Day I need to work on!).  This "5 A Day" is where you pick 5 companies each day and send them an email about their products.  You can compliment them, tell them a story that centers around their products or even send a complaint if you have one.  Some people ask for coupons, others don't.  I typically don't simply because when I have done this in the past I have received emails telling me that they don't honor email coupon requests.  However when I simply compliment their products, I would say 7 out of 10 times I get coupons in the mail!

Here is a link to where I first read about the "5 A Day" project.  

She has a wonderful blog and even has spreadsheets that you can download that include the websites for over 400 companies that you can email, and there is a place in the spreadsheets to note when you contacted them and to note what you received from them.  It's good to keep track of this so you know when it's "safe" to contact the companies again ~ usually wait about 6 months between emails.  You can also see pictures of all of the amazing coupons that she has received from various companies.

Since I am so far behind on this, I sent more than 5 emails today...here is a list of who I contacted:

Duncan Hines
Fresh Step Cat Litter
Gillette Venus
Glade (this was a complaint about a product that was damaged when I opened it)
Jose Ole
Kettle Chips
King Arthur Flour
Nathan's Hot Dogs
Sally Hansen
State Fair Corndogs
Turkey Hill

I will let you know when I start receiving things from these companies, and in the meantime, check out the website above and download a spreadsheet...it makes it super easy.  

Don't forget to let me know who you contact and whether they send you anything!

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